Dahab offers some of the most amazing reef diving in the world. There is something for everyone here, from the snorkeller to the advanced technical diver.

Wreck and Cave have teamed up with the best facility in Dahab – ScubaSeekers – to offer you tailor-made packages to make your diving holiday a truly memorable experience. We’ve got recreational packages, technical and rebreather packages too. So you can really choose the kind of diving you want to do. And the logistics at ScubaSeekers are some of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s efficient, friendly, and a whole load of fun.
Our first week in Dahab is going to run from 7th-12th April, 2024.
Get yourself a flight into Sharm el Sheikh, and the ScubaSeekers transfer will pick you up and take you to your hotel. Then, depending on when you’ve arrved, wander over to the dive centre and get the tour. You’ll be shown where you store your equipmet, the cylinder analysis and pick-up point, the gas analysis station, the gear set up area, and all of the other things you’d expect. They even have a coffee bar and a barista! Once your gear is set up, it get’s loaded onto the trucks and you ride out to the dive site.
Maybe it’s the Blue Hole, or Bells today. Maybe it’s Canyon, or Lighthouse Point. Or one of the many other world class dives available within a short drive from the dive centre.